Wildlife Habitat Design Services
With the growing effects of climate change, we are being reminded that we live in a connected world. That we owe it to ourselves and our families future generations to revisit our relationship with nature and take a closer look at what we can do on our own property to become more environmentally friendly and more self-sufficient.
The philosophy behind our Wildlife Habitat Designs involves merging organic, sustainable and resilient concepts with forest protection and wildlife management. Treating each plot as a unique ecosystem and working toward a design that is distributed horizontally and vertically across the landscape which enhances biodiversity, builds stronger soils and naturally captures carbon dioxide through the use of methodologies designed to produce quality habitat while protecting soil health, local waterways and wildlife.
There is nothing within our Wildlife Habitat Design that does not produce either an agricultural product, pollen, nectar, fruit, food, protection or nesting locations for the indigenous wildlife. It attracts every known pollinator that lives within the surrounding area, along with the birds and other wildlife that reside there, including endangered species to help them expand their numbers.
Hillside plots include water detention and/or retention designs to capture top soil runoff and give the water time to be absorbed into the soil thus reducing downstream pollution and maximizing habitat resilience.
All the mulch being used is created from the local environment; we use no pesticides or chemical soil enhancers. Our goal is to duplicate the natural cycle of forests - which need no man-made chemical enhancements to remain healthy - in our habitat designs.
If you have any questions about our Habitat Design Services, please
contact us.